What a fun trip we had today to Liberty Science Center with the 4th and 5th grade!
over 1 year ago, Brian Kitchin
Just a reminder, our first strategic planning meeting is tonight at Fredon School at 6:30pm. We hope to see you all there! Please fill out this form if you plan to attend: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1IduvGXBWNOnL0ioKcggmuXSYZIBB7evEsWS-TXwAsoA/edit?usp=drivesdk
over 1 year ago, Brian Kitchin
Tonight was a wonderful chance to see our talented students perform! Great job all and thank you Mr. Grubic!
over 1 year ago, Brian Kitchin
Fredon Families and Community Members: A Reminder, you are all invited to join us on 5/31 and 6/7 for Strategic Planning. These sessions will take place at Fredon School at 6:30 pm. Please use the form link to indicate if you will be attending: https://forms.gle/M8gV8oJGfcJnHoT87
over 1 year ago, Brian Kitchin
Greetings Fredon Families, Please click the link below to access this week's edition of the Fredon School Vine News. Thank you for your support and have a great weekend! https://docs.google.com/document/d/14911Rsqf12g3SzebROPWo03b2U4ThOo3YwZN_URr-UI/edit?usp=sharing
over 1 year ago, Carolyn Stenderowicz
What does this teacher love most about World Language month? 🌎🤟❤️ 1. Students stopping me in the hallway to try and persuade me to pick their favorite language to learn this week, even though they know it's something we vote on! 2. Seeing our resident language experts, like Zachary, teach their classmates and me about their home languages. 3. The excitement students show when they talk about the languages they want to learn and explain their "why". "I want to be able to speak Italian with my nonna." "My mom speaks German. I want to be able to talk to her." "My sister is traveling to Japan. I want to learn Japanese." Let's get these students excited about language learning before summer!
over 1 year ago, Kristen Karl
Italian and ASL
fredon School bus F4 is running a few minutes late.
over 1 year ago, Moira Douglas
Pandemic Electronic Benefits Transfer (P-EBT) is a program to help you purchase food for your child(ren) who were eligible for free /reduced price school meals at a school that participates in the National School Lunch Program (NSLP). Summer P-EBT extends benefits during the summer months following a school year during which there was a COVID-19 public health emergency. https://drive.google.com/file/d/12Xt47Gba-_Zashlz1_5kE9mDHworvoEp/view?usp=sharing
over 1 year ago, Carolyn Stenderowicz
2nd grade students collaboratively created a book through Studentreasures Publishing. They each wrote what makes them special! They are so proud and excited to be published authors!
over 1 year ago, Danielle Arbolino
2nd grade published authors!
Sharing their books with each other!
Sharing their books with each other!
Sharing their books with each other!
Here’s your reminder that RSVP for Mother Son event + T-shirt sizing is due tomorrow 5/24! The Mother Son event is Thursday June 8th from 4-6 at Lodestar park - Carnival theme.
over 1 year ago, Brian Kitchin
Mother Son Event
Fredon School will be hosting our 2023 Spring Concert on May 30th. Students in K-3 will begin at 6:30 pm, with an arrival time of 6:15 pm. 4th, 5th, & 6th grade students will begin their portion of the concert at 7:25 p.m., with an arrival time of 7:15 p.m. See you there!
over 1 year ago, Carolyn Stenderowicz
Fredon School would like to invite all families and local stakeholders to share their voice by participating in our strategic planning process. Help us move Fredon School forward! May 31st & June 7th at 6:30 pm at Fredon School.
over 1 year ago, Carolyn Stenderowicz
Strategic planning Invite
Fredon Families, The Field Day lunch form that was shared last week was based on last year's form when school lunch was free for all students. That is no longer the case and was shared in error. Student lunches WILL FOLLOW THE SAME PRICING AS USUAL of $3.50. This can be paid in cash or through your Payschool account. Parent Volunteers will be charged $3.75. Additional Slices are $2.25. Pizza is the only lunch option on Field Day unless you bring lunch from home. Please Complete the following form if you have not done so already and please ensure your child has the appropriate money either sent in or on their account. Thank you and sorry for the confusion. Field Day Lunch Form: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1IjKtlKrlug4OQKJylVr0GIHbJ4SjPB3vBz34QEzf1S8/edit?usp=sharing Warmest Regards, Dr. Brian Kitchin
over 1 year ago, Brian Kitchin
Congratulations to Julia Homentosky Miss Fredon 2023 Anna Eitner Little Miss Fredon 2023 Blake Reinertsen Little Mr Fredon 2023
over 1 year ago, Moira Douglas
Fredon Day 2024
Great job PTC and students that participated in the Variety Show!
over 1 year ago, Moira Douglas
Variety Show Students.
Greetings Fredon Families, Please click the link below to access this week's edition of the Fredon School Vine News. Thank you for your support and have a great weekend! https://docs.google.com/document/d/1HtGqTnR59fpsuGRvs9ItaAqgxSCR5QjfSMMU5Rk2cOM/edit?usp=sharing
over 1 year ago, Carolyn Stenderowicz
Today our K -3rd grade had a Rockin' Yoga assembly with Kira Willey and her band. It was so much fun! Kira Willey YouTube Channel : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCef4sIqe0PdnlhwUOjNBUew
over 1 year ago, Carolyn Stenderowicz
Thankful Thursday positive messages and Fredon Gear for Mental Health Awareness week 🧠🌻
over 1 year ago, Kristel Caffrey
Thankful Thursday positive messages and Fredon Gear for Mental Health Awareness week 🧠🌻
Thankful Thursday positive messages and Fredon Gear for Mental Health Awareness week 🧠🌻
Thankful Thursday positive messages and Fredon Gear for Mental Health Awareness week 🧠🌻
💕 2nd grade worked together to write positive messages and create a chalk mural on the blacktop ☀️🌈
over 1 year ago, Kristel Caffrey
💕 2nd grade worked together to write positive messages and create a chalk mural on the blacktop ☀️🌈
💕 2nd grade worked together to write positive messages and create a chalk mural on the blacktop ☀️🌈
💕 2nd grade worked together to write positive messages and create a chalk mural on the blacktop ☀️🌈
💕 2nd grade worked together to write positive messages and create a chalk mural on the blacktop ☀️🌈
💕 2nd grade worked together to write positive messages and create a chalk mural on the blacktop ☀️🌈
💕 2nd grade worked together to write positive messages and create a chalk mural on the blacktop ☀️🌈
💕 2nd grade worked together to write positive messages and create a chalk mural on the blacktop ☀️🌈
💕 2nd grade worked together to write positive messages and create a chalk mural on the blacktop ☀️🌈
💕 2nd grade worked together to write positive messages and create a chalk mural on the blacktop ☀️🌈