Take a look at this fun new field hockey opportunity for our community!
Important Dates:
August 18th - Parent Portal will be open. Please check your parent portal for 2023-2024 school year information. ie Homeroom Teacher and Bus Information
August 29th - PreK Open House from 9 am to 10 am in the PreK classroom
August 29th - Kindergarten Orientation from 10 am to 11:20 am. Gather in the gym. Come in through the front entranceway.
August 30th - Back to School Night. Kindergarten through 6th Grade, 6 pm in the assigned classrooms. There will be multiple sessions to allow you to visit all your children's homerooms.
Sept 5th - First Day of School. Welcome Back! School hours are 8:15 am to 3:15 pm
Fredon Families,
Please see the attached flyer for anyone interested in becoming a substitute.
We are happy to let you know that First Impressions will once again be our Aftercare provider.
Please click on the link below for information and to register with First Impressions.
We are busy getting ready for the new school year. If you need to drop off paperwork, please note that the building is open Monday through Thursday, 8 am to 2:30 pm. If you prefer to scan it and send it to us, you can email Wendy Grosso at wgrosso@fredon.org
Enjoy the rest of your summer!
The 2023-2024 class supply lists are now ready. Click on the link below to get your child's list. Enjoy the rest of the summer.
Greetings Fredon Families,
Please click the link below to access this week's edition of the Fredon School Vine News. Thank you for your support and have a wonderful summer!
Having pizza and ice cream at our indoor school wide picnic while watching a movie. Thank you to the PTC for our sweet treats!
Greetings Fredon Families,
Please click the link below to access this week's edition of the Fredon School Vine News. Thank you for your support and have a great weekend!
Follow the Link for this week's CSA Video Update:
Field Day Update:
Field Day will take place on a modified schedule tomorrow between 8:30am and 12:00pm. Some activities will be moved inside and outdoor activities will be ones requiring limited exertion to avoid breathing issues for some of our students based on air quality. Parent volunteers should park at Lodestar and arrive at 8:30 (police will help cross at the light). Volunteers are done at 12:05 but are welcome to enjoy their Pizza lunch at that time. We will have a regular dismissal, including busses, and all previous dismissal slips will be disregarded. Please remind students to wear their Field Day Shirts.
Don't forget to join us for our final strategic planning session tonight at 6:30 in Fredon School!
Fredon Field Day Volunteers,
Given the concerns over air quality we have decided to pivot our plans for field day to activities that reduce exertion and add more indoor activities. With that being said, we do not need parent volunteers because of the limited space within the building. Field Day will now be on Thursday 6/8 from 8:30am-12:00pm If the change in day presents a problem with your scheduling, do not feel that you are required to attend on Thursday. We do appreciate your willingness to take time out of your schedule to support our school and for that reason, we do not want to exclude you from this special event. However, we have more than enough staff to successfully execute the field day activities.
If you do choose to still come, complete the attached form ASAP, but no later than 3pm, so that we know who to expect.
THIS IS ONLY FOR EXISTING FIELD DAY VOLUNTEERS. If you did not sign up to volunteer previously for field day, please refrain from attending.
Updated Form (For existing Volunteers only): https://forms.gle/GVsg9BtWxmA2PQt17
Warmest Regards,
Dr. Brian Kitchin
Field Day at Fredon School scheduled for Wednesday, June 7th, is postponed due to poor air quality. We are hopeful that we can have Field Day on Thursday, June 8th. We will make that decision tomorrow.
Please send in your field day pick up notes. Field day is Wednesday!
Greetings Fredon Families,
Please click the link below to access this week's edition of the Fredon School Vine News. Thank you for your support and have a great weekend!
Follow the Link for this week's CSA Video Update: https://youtu.be/Qw8YtW_mSJ4
Thank you for donating to our cereal box domino challenge! We collected over 80 boxes of cereal to be donated to Benny's bodega. Everyone enjoyed the domino challenge during lunch today. Thank you to our outgoing student council officers for your help setting up the "dominoes"!
Congratulations to our newly elected Student Council officers!
Secretary: Rylee Passafaro and
Reina Palmer
Treasurer: Zachary Palmer
Vice President: Mason Weston
President: Dylan Reilly
LAST DAY for cereal boxes for our domino challenge! Help us knock out food insecurities. All boxes will be donated to Benny's Bodega once the domino challenge is complete! Let's make a HUGE domino rally!