1st grade had a great time visiting with the Fredon FD and seeing the trucks!
3 months ago, Kim Sanabria
Tomorrow is the Heavenly Hats parade! Don't forget to bring in $1 to wear your favorite hat! Please send your cash donation to school in an envelope marked Heavenly Hats". Thank you!
3 months ago, Carolyn Stenderowicz
Heavenly Hats day parade is this Friday! Make a donation and you can wear your favorite hat to school. We are asking for a minimum donation of $1, but more is appreciated. Please send your cash donation to school in an envelope marked Heavenly Hats". Thank you!
3 months ago, Carolyn Stenderowicz
heavenly hats
Don't forget - it's Socktober! Help our local community by donating socks throughout the month of October. Donations will be delivered to Benny's Bodega. 🧦🫶🧦
3 months ago, Carolyn Stenderowicz
🌟 It's Fredon School's Week of Respect! 💙 Wear a blue shirt in an effort to join together in solidarity to stop bullying! The first Monday of October is World Day of Bullying Prevention! 💙
3 months ago, Carolyn Stenderowicz
week of respect
Greetings Fredon Families, Please click the link below to access this week's edition of the Fredon School Vine News. Thank you for your support and have a great weekend! https://docs.google.com/document/d/1wSFK7Nf1QkXC0deHPyNIrNfVTX0545xkIkTpgbCKMTI/edit?usp=sharing
3 months ago, Carolyn Stenderowicz
Congratulations to our October Physical Education class captains! Captains are chosen by month based on our 3 key PE rules: WORK HARD, PLAY SAFE, HAVE FUN! K - Callie & Alexander 1st - Tilly, Emma,Paige & Hunter 2nd - John, Dominic & Taylor 3rd - Archer, Harper & Ryan 4th - Beckham &Brynn 5th - Mia, Logan, Thomas & Grace 6th - Devon & Laila
3 months ago, Heather Reynolds
class captains
Thank you and Happy Custodian's day to Mr. Luke, Mr. Hank and Mr. Ryan! Without you we would be a mess - you are the BEST!!!
3 months ago, Carolyn Stenderowicz
Guess who? The students have had the chance to see some of our staff's school pictures and try and guess who each picture represents. They really enjoyed seeing the pictures (and so did the staff)!
3 months ago, Carolyn Stenderowicz
guess who
Socktober begins tomorrow! The student council is collecting socks to help our local community throughout the month of October. To kick off Socktober, wear your craziest socks to school tomorrow.
3 months ago, Carolyn Stenderowicz
Greetings Fredon Families, Please click the link below to access this week's edition of the Fredon School Vine News. Thank you for your support and have a great weekend! https://docs.google.com/document/d/1PkxhQnvOKrVQU5dTKpQNIKd2XQX8GWOcKH6mQ3S4F3Y/edit?usp=sharing
3 months ago, Carolyn Stenderowicz
How do we review "los colores" in Spanish class? Some writing, some Twister, and some planks!
3 months ago, Kristen Karl
Let’s review “los colores”!
Let’s review “los colores”!
Let’s review “los colores”!
Let’s review “los colores”!
Let’s review “los colores”!
Let’s review “los colores”!
Let’s review “los colores”!
Hello Fredon families, please see an important announcement regarding the superintendent search on our website. https://www.fredon.org/o/ftsd/page/superintendent-search
4 months ago, Braden Hirsch
Greetings Fredon Families, Please click the link below to access this week's edition of the Fredon School Vine News. Thank you for your support and have a great weekend! https://docs.google.com/document/d/114HILD0W4_fICIcXvIKyZnGzc295GBABu5mKUU8et74/edit?usp=sharing
4 months ago, Carolyn Stenderowicz
Thanks to the KRHS cheerleaders and football players for visiting us on community day! Good luck tonight under the lights against Lenape Valley! Game time 7 pm. 🐾🏈🎉
4 months ago, Carolyn Stenderowicz
community day
Tomorrow is Community Day! Wear your blue Kittatinny gear and show your support! 📸 Take a picture of your child in their gear & post it using the tags below to help KRHS win a stadium makeover for our community! 💙 👉 @kittatinnyregional 👉 @tmobile 👉 #sweepstakes 👉 #FN5GL
4 months ago, Carolyn Stenderowicz
krhs comm day
Greetings Fredon Families, Please click the link below to access this week's edition of the Fredon School Vine News. Thank you for your support and have a great weekend! https://docs.google.com/document/d/1gx3EroQIxGVdYrMuuSP90pbNoatpGCD4iNvCT5_SLwI/edit?usp=sharing
4 months ago, Carolyn Stenderowicz
Greetings Fredon Families, Please click the link below to access this week's edition of the Fredon School Vine News. Thank you for your support and have a great weekend! https://docs.google.com/document/d/1JQK4y5aPyGHI_RGw0ofBaimxpM3qEaW1SzqaBbOIGUQ/edit?usp=sharing
4 months ago, Carolyn Stenderowicz
Fifth grade is using the outdoor classroom for Enrichment class on this beautiful day! Thank you, former student Billy Erickson, for building this! 💚🦊
4 months ago, Carolyn Stenderowicz
outdoor classroom
First day of Kindergarten ✏️📕🚌😊 Welcome to a new school year!
4 months ago, Carolyn Stenderowicz