Don’t forget that it’s ‘Socktober’! We are still accepting new socks to help our community. Warm Feet =Warm Hearts❤️🧦💚🧦❤️
about 2 years ago, Carolyn Stenderowicz
WEAR PINK ON FRIDAY October 21st! 🎀👚🎀 Make a donation to the Susan G Komen Foundation and you can wear pink to school for the day. We are asking for a $1.00 minimum donation, but more is appreciated. Please help those fighting cancer. Thank you!
about 2 years ago, Carolyn Stenderowicz
pink flyer
Fredon Families- Tomorrow's (10/18) Fredon PTC Meeting is being rescheduled for Thursday 10/20 at Fredon School. Hope to see many of you there!
about 2 years ago, Brian Kitchin
Greetings Fredon Families, Please click the link below to access this week's edition of the Fredon School Vine News. Thank you for your support and have a great weekend!
about 2 years ago, Carolyn Stenderowicz
Thank you to the Fredon Fire Department for coming to the school today and teaching us about fire safety.
about 2 years ago, Carolyn Stenderowicz
Mrs. Reynolds
Grades 4-6
Fire Safety
Grades K-3
Reminder- Tonight at 7 is a special session for the Fredon BOE. We will begin with a presentation regarding our aging roof, and a discussion about the Health Curriculum prior to closed session for interviewing for the open BOE seat. NO ACTION WILL BE TAKEN TONIGHT.
about 2 years ago, Brian Kitchin
Did you know that the days of the week are not capitalized in the Spanish language? Our discovery learning today led our 4th graders to this conclusion! Also, European calendars start on “lunes” and not “domingo” like in America! ¡Qué interesante!
about 2 years ago, Kristen Karl
jueves = Thursday
A little Spanish conversation!
Friday = viernes
6th Grade Families, if you drop your child off, please be sure to be prompt tomorrow morning (10/12). We have a bus leaving for the Anti-Bullying Summit immediately following arrival and we don't want anyone to miss it.
about 2 years ago, Brian Kitchin
2nd grade enjoying "Flashlight Friday" during independent reading time today!
over 2 years ago, Danielle Arbolino
Flashlight Friday readers!
Flashlight Friday readers!
Flashlight Friday readers!
Flashlight Friday readers!
Follow the link below for this week's CSA video update!
over 2 years ago, Brian Kitchin
Greetings Fredon Families, Please click the link below to access this week's edition of the Fredon School Vine News. Thank you for your support and have a great weekend!
over 2 years ago, Carolyn Stenderowicz
National walk to school day was a huge success! Thank you to all that participated in this special event!
over 2 years ago, Carolyn Stenderowicz
back at school
getting ready to walk
Dr. Kitchin
waiting to walk
Tomorrow is Heavenly Hats Day! Make a donation to Heavenly Hats Foundation and you can wear your favorite hat to school for the day. You will be helping to provide brand new hats for many cancer patients in need. We are asking $1.00 minimum donation, but more is appreciated.
over 2 years ago, Carolyn Stenderowicz
Heavenly Hats story
please send the cash donation in an envelope marked Heavenly Hats
Today is Wacky Wednesday- wear crazy socks, wacky hair or mismatched clothes. The challenge today is to brink in socks for Socktober & celebrate what makes each of us wonderful and different and unique!
over 2 years ago, Carolyn Stenderowicz
warm feet makes warm hearts
Celebrate what makes us unique!
Dr. Kitchin, aka ‘the Fox’, celebrating pajama day for week of respect.
over 2 years ago, Carolyn Stenderowicz
Dr. Kitchin, aka ‘the Fox’, celebrating pajama day for week of respect.
Due to the anticipated rain, we are going to move our Walk to School Day to Thursday 10/6. If you would like to participate, please arrive at Lodestar Park at about 7:50 so that we can begin walking by 8am.
over 2 years ago, Brian Kitchin
Today is pajama day - put bullying to bed! The challenge today is to do random acts of kindness to promote respect and positivity.
over 2 years ago, Carolyn Stenderowicz
Do random acts of kindness to promote respect and positivity.
World Day of Bullying Tomorrow is pajama day! Put bullying to bed.
over 2 years ago, Carolyn Stenderowicz
World Day of Bullying
Tomorrow we celebrate the beginning of our week of respect by wearing BLUE! Blue is worn to show solidarity to stop bullying and cyber bullying.
over 2 years ago, Carolyn Stenderowicz
Week of Respect Spirit Week
Our kindergarteners and 1st graders are learning the song “la araña pequeñita” in Spanish class. Our “pet” spider is not itsy bitsy though. He’s huge! Ask them to sing for you! 🕷🌧☀️
over 2 years ago, Kristen Karl
1st grade
1st grade